Thursday, April 28, 2011

High Gas Prices and Obama

Gas prices are clearly on the rise but why????????

A year ago today I leased my new car and the next day I left for a trip up north, gas was $2.79 per gallon. A year later... well I am ready to have a heart attack. I am paying $24.14  more to fill my tank then I was a year ago and it is only going to go up.

When I arrived at work today gas was $3.99, when I left 9 hours later it was $4.21. How on Gods green earth does gas jump $0.22 cents in just 9 hours????

My choices are slim, I have to use my car. I work 15.6 miles from home, I live in a rural area. In fact I can drive more then half way before I even see my first stop light (lots of 4 way stop signs). There is no running bus, car pooling is out due to the fact that every one I work with lives in the opposite direction then I do.

Why is gas so damn high? I know people think that we get are oil from the middle east but that is no entirely true. According to the Department or Energy the top 10 counties we import from are:
1. Canada
2. Mexico
3. Saudi Arabia
4. Venezuela
5. Nigeria
6. Angola
7. Iraq
8. Algeria
9. United Kingdom
10. Brazil

So this leads me to ask what is our President doing about this? I am not sure why I even bother asking because I already know the answer. It is NOTHING!! Obama thinks that we should just deal with it and get more fuel efficient cars. OK....great answer there. Obama said that he would make a CHANGE if he became president. Well he sure did, our country is so in debt it is inexcusable, when I hear the term health care reform I cringe (my health insurance price went up more this year then it has in the 15 years I have been at my job, thanks Obama) gas prices has risen 67% since he has been in office and to be truthful I just think he is one crappy president.

What does he expect us to do? $5.00 gas when minimum wage in Michigan in $7.40. So people make minimum wage will be working to just put gas in their car. Just the thought of $5.00 gas makes me sick.

Obama needs to get his head out of the clouds and do something to help the American people, that is why they voted for him. I sure the hell didn't vote for him and I as he would say "just has to deal with it".


  1. drill here, create jobs, gas under a dollar, use money saved on gas put back into economy, create more jobs,,,,,,hmmm common sense???? washington has none for they are only worried about the money they are making off the price of gas!!!

  2. I do like that Trump wants to destroy OPEC & get us out of bed w/ China.
    Did you ever see this hilarious 'commercial'?!

    Loves! ~M
