Saturday, April 30, 2011

Uncontrolable kids at the grocery store

I love my weekend trips to the grocery store. I love to find great deals, use my coupons and save BIG money. What I don't like are the unruly kids the flood the isle ways as their parents are too busy shopping or talking on their cells to pay a lick of attention.

I arrived at my local Meijer store today with list in hand, coupon file and my walking shoes on. For those of you who have no idea what a Meijer is I will tell you. It is a one stop shop, you can get almost anything there and it is a huge store. As I started my shopping journey I was immediately annoyed by the two boys who had on those shoes with the skate wheels on the bottom. They were skating up and down the isles knocking into people as their father didn't seem to have a care in the world. All I want is to get as far away from them as possible. As I am coming down to the end of an isle there are 3 small children grabbing at a paper towel display. Of course they knock about 15 rolls off of the shelf and their mom just keeps on walking. Seriously what is with people. Then came the kid that irritates me the most. The one that is sitting in the shopping cart screaming its head off and the parent just keeps going. I was beginning to lose my patience and I just wanted to finish my shopping and get the hell out of dodge.

My last stop the deli, the hubby needs lunch meat. Well as I arrive at the Deli so does the mom with her screaming kid. God, why me. I get what I need and made a B-line to the check out. I pull into isle number 11 only to have the two boys with the shoes skates on get behind me. I throw my stuff up on the counter and there two boys start skating up the isle towards me, baam right into my backside. I turn around thinking the father might say "sorry". I don't know why I would have thought that. It took every ounce of energy I had not to yell at these kids.

A note to parents, pay attention to what you kids are doing, it they are screaming their head off, please remove them from the store. NO one wants to hear that. If you kids are misbehaving, please put them into check. They should know better anyways, If you can don't even bring them shopping with you. If you have someone to watch them, trust me they are better off. A crowded grocery store on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon is the last place any kid wants to be.

.........and yes, I do have a daughter and no I never let her act like that in public

Thursday, April 28, 2011

High Gas Prices and Obama

Gas prices are clearly on the rise but why????????

A year ago today I leased my new car and the next day I left for a trip up north, gas was $2.79 per gallon. A year later... well I am ready to have a heart attack. I am paying $24.14  more to fill my tank then I was a year ago and it is only going to go up.

When I arrived at work today gas was $3.99, when I left 9 hours later it was $4.21. How on Gods green earth does gas jump $0.22 cents in just 9 hours????

My choices are slim, I have to use my car. I work 15.6 miles from home, I live in a rural area. In fact I can drive more then half way before I even see my first stop light (lots of 4 way stop signs). There is no running bus, car pooling is out due to the fact that every one I work with lives in the opposite direction then I do.

Why is gas so damn high? I know people think that we get are oil from the middle east but that is no entirely true. According to the Department or Energy the top 10 counties we import from are:
1. Canada
2. Mexico
3. Saudi Arabia
4. Venezuela
5. Nigeria
6. Angola
7. Iraq
8. Algeria
9. United Kingdom
10. Brazil

So this leads me to ask what is our President doing about this? I am not sure why I even bother asking because I already know the answer. It is NOTHING!! Obama thinks that we should just deal with it and get more fuel efficient cars. OK....great answer there. Obama said that he would make a CHANGE if he became president. Well he sure did, our country is so in debt it is inexcusable, when I hear the term health care reform I cringe (my health insurance price went up more this year then it has in the 15 years I have been at my job, thanks Obama) gas prices has risen 67% since he has been in office and to be truthful I just think he is one crappy president.

What does he expect us to do? $5.00 gas when minimum wage in Michigan in $7.40. So people make minimum wage will be working to just put gas in their car. Just the thought of $5.00 gas makes me sick.

Obama needs to get his head out of the clouds and do something to help the American people, that is why they voted for him. I sure the hell didn't vote for him and I as he would say "just has to deal with it".

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

My unhealthy addicition to that big box called the television and why it makes me so damn angry

Ever since I was a little girl I have been in love with tv. TV all day, everyday. My dad introduced me to Laurel & Hardy, Abbott & Costello, Blondie & Dagwood and I Love Lucy. My mom watched whatever was on, I wanted to be Wonder Woman, Samantha Stevens and Laura Ingall. I thought I was going to marry Ponch from CHiPs. I thought Blair Warner was a snob and Bo Duke was super cool. At one time I even thought I would be a Soild Gold dancer.

Over the years I have watched so much tv it would make your head spin. I thank God everyday for the invention of the DVR. Since that invention my guide is jammed pack with recorded shows, sometimes I wonder how I even keep up with it all.

It seems like 10 years ago shows stayed on season after season. The networks had a lot of wonderful shows on and they lasted. Now I am not so sure. It seems like the networks pump out shows like chickens laying eggs. They are a dime a dozen, they don't last and it pisses me off.

Over the last five years I have invested in shows, watched every episode and for what?? Just so it could be cancelled. NBC had Surface and CBS had Jericho. The Surface finale was a cliff hanger and it was never renewed. Jericho fans saved the show and it was renewed for a half of season. CBS didn't even give it a chance.

The other day I was reading an article on Yahoo, they talked about 27 shows that are "in trouble". After looking at the list, I thought "geez, they may be taking away more then half of the shows I love". My big TV night was Tuesdays, ABC with No Ordinary Family, V and then Detroirt 187. ABC wants to cancel all three shows.

These networks talk about ratings, does anyone ever wonder where these ratings come from? I do?? What is NEILSEN? Apparently is a box that is hooked up to your tv that tracks what you watch. I tried to get one, it didn't work. They select famlies in certain areas, I didn't qualify. So when a network says they have 12 million viewers, when you think about it 12 million isn't anything to brag about when you look at the population of the entire USA. My thoughts are this, unless every single household with one working TV has a Neilsen box, how can there be accurate ratings? It is impossible.

So my question to the networks is this? Why do I even bother to watch tv anymore? I invest my time watching a show for an hour each week and for what? Nothing because the show will more then likely get cancelled anyway. I can easily think of 15 shows that have been cancelled on the last 4-5 years after a season or less, shows I thought were pretty damn good. Cancelled due to so called poor ratings. Currently there are over 300,000,000 people in the US and I am pretty damn sure at least half of those watch tv at least for a few hours a week. So to the networks out there listen to me loud and clear. Give these shows a chance.............................